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[column_content type=”one_half”]My love of writing and art began early and were inseparable. The twin muses would often show up together although writing was definitely the bossy one. I wrote poetry, I wrote stories, I painted and I thought I would be a writer when I left school.

My guidance officer wisely thought otherwise so eventually I found work in the health industry. It was not only rewarding, it was also safe and secure, so I stayed. I got on with the business of living but something always seemed to be missing. I dabbled half-heartedly here and there with both writing and art but honestly, I never really pursued either of them. I could have, I should have, but I didn’t.

It took my own very real and personal health scare before I realized how empty I was without them. I made an immediate promise to become the writer I always wanted to be. I got going and I’m still going and I haven’t looked back…

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life”
Steve Jobs

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